Scripting with Nuage VSPK – Part 2 – Advanced concepts & examples
Last week we introduced the basic installation and usage of the Nuage VSPK using some script examples.
This week we will continue our dive into this subject by introducing some advanced concepts and again we will use some example scripts to explain these concepts in detail:
- Creating ACLs policies and rules with Jobs
- Gathering Statistics with Query Parameters
- Asynchronous calls
- Push notifications
- Set Policy Groups on a VM depending on its name in vCenter by combining the Nuage VSPK with the vCenter SDK
Happy reading!

Scripting with Nuage VSPK – Part 1 – Introduction & basic examples
Today i want to talk about a Nuage VSP feature which allows you to create your own tools to interact with your Nuage VSP environment: The Nuage VSPK. The Nuage VSPK uses the Nuage VSD REST API to do all its actions, so if you are familiar with the REST API, you will quickly grasp the use of the Nuage VSPK.
The Nuage VSPK is available in two flavors: a Python flavor and a Go flavor. This last one was released last week, for now, we will cover the usage of the VSPK using the Python flavor.
I will cover this aspect in multiple parts. This post will cover the installation of the VSPK and its structure, before leading up to the write-up of three scripts that:
- Show the structure of a particular domain
- Get an overview of all used Floating IPs
- Gather the events/logs for a particular enterprise
At the end there will also be some pointers on where to find a full API reference and where to find more examples.
In the next posts you can expect some more complex examples that show you how to listen to VSD events or how to combine the VSPK with VMware vCenter API to implement a dynamic policy group mapping.
This post is a copy of a blog post of mine on the Nuage Community.
Happy reading !

Nuage Networks releases its Virtual Service Platform SDK
About five months ago, I decided to make a big change in my professional career and join Nuage Networks (a wholly owned subsidiary of Alcatel-Lucent) as a New Product Introduction Engineer. In the past four months, I realised that this might have been one of the best decisions i made in my life. I’ve been working with extremely intelligent and hard working people who are all very friendly and understanding of the new guy. I learned a lot, and still have a whole lot more to learn!
On thursday, Nuage Networks CEO Sunil Khandekar announced the release of the VSPK or Virtual Service Platform SDK at Network Field Day 10. This SDK allows anybody to access the full Nuage Virtual Service Platform using Python.
As it stands, the Nuage VSP already had a rich set of management tools, including a great web interface and an OpenStack integration. This however opens the doors to a completely new set of possibilities. It makes it easy to integrate your own Cloud Management System with Nuage VSP, or build your toolset to automate certain tasks in your datacenter, or write your own reporting tool which gathers information, or …
Take a look at the great documentation and the examples!
(And no, i had nothing to do with this, these are all those intelligent and hard working people I was talking about earlier ;))